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SST 500 hrs

SST 500 hrs

Our products undergo rigorous testing to ensure they meet the highest standards of quality and durability. One of the tests we perform is the Salt Spray Test, which assesses the resistance of our products to rusting caused by exposure to salt spray.
We are proud to have achieved a Salt Spray Test Certificate of up to 500 hours for our products. This means that our products have been tested and found to withstand exposure to salt spray for up to 500 hours without significant rusting or damage.
This certification is a testament to the quality and durability of our products, and demonstrates our commitment to providing our customers with products that are built to last. Whether you are looking for wall-mount, floor-mount, open racks, or ODU's, you can trust that our products will withstand even the harshest environments and provide reliable performance for years to come.

IP Rating Certificate

IP Rating Certificate

IP20 Certification:
Our products are designed to provide reliable protection for your equipment in a wide range of environments. One of the certifications that our products have received is the IP20 Certification, which indicates that our products are protected from solid objects larger than 12.5mm in diameter.
This certification is important for applications where our products are subject to dust and other small debris that could otherwise enter and damage your equipment. With our IP20 certified products, you can be confident that your equipment will be protected from these potential hazards.
Whether you are looking for wall-mount, floor-mount, or open racks, our IP20 certified products provide reliable protection for your equipment in environments where solid objects may be present.
IP55 Certification:
Our products are also designed to provide protection from moisture and other liquids that can cause damage to your equipment. That's why we are proud to offer products that have achieved the IP55 Certification.
This certification indicates that our products are protected from dust and lowpressure water jets from any direction. This means that our products are able to provide reliable protection for your equipment in environments where moisture or other liquids may be present.
Whether you are looking for wall-mount, floor-mount, or open racks, our IP55 certified products provide reliable protection for your equipment in environments where moisture or liquids may be present. With our IP55 certified products, you can be confident that your equipment is protected from potential hazards and will remain operational even in demanding environments.



At Super-Robust, we understand that our customers rely on our products to protect their valuable equipment. That's why we are committed to providing products that are not only strong and durable, but also able to withstand physical impact.
One of the certifications that our products have received is the IK-08 Certification. This certification indicates that our products have been tested and found to provide a high level of resistance to impact, withstanding up to 5 joules of impact energy.
This certification is important for a variety of applications, from industrial environments to public spaces, where our products are often subject to physical impact. By achieving the IK-08 Certification, we can provide our customers with the assurance that our products are able to withstand impact and keep their equipment safe.
Whether you are looking for wall-mount, floor-mount, or open racks, you can trust that our products have been designed and tested to meet the highest standards of durability and impact resistance. With our IK-08 Certification, you can have peace of mind knowing that your equipment is protected by products that are built to last.

Castor Wheels

Castor Wheels

Our products are designed to provide reliable support and mobility for your equipment, even in demanding environments. One of the certifications that our castor wheels have received is the certification for carrying a static load of up to 1200kgs.
This certification means that our castor wheels have been tested and found to be able to support a static load of up to 1200kgs without failure or damage.
This makes our castor wheels suitable for a wide range of applications, from heavy industrial equipment to large server racks.
Whether you are looking for wall-mount, floor-mount, or open racks, our castor wheels provide reliable support and mobility for your equipment. With our castor wheels certified to carry a static load of up to 1200kgs, you can be confident that your equipment will be well-supported and able to move smoothly and safely.
At Super-Robust, we are committed to providing products that meet the highest standards of quality and durability, and our castor wheels are no exception. With our castor wheels certified to carry a static load of up to 1200kgs, you can trust that your equipment is in good hands.

Toughened Glass

Toughened Glass

At Super-Robust, we understand the importance of using high-quality materials to ensure the safety and protection of your equipment. That's why we use toughened glass, which has been certified to meet the highest standards of quality and safety.
Toughened glass, also known as tempered glass, is a type of glass that has been treated with a special heating and cooling process to increase its strength and durability. In addition to its strength, toughened glass is also designed to break into small, less dangerous pieces if it is shattered.
The certification that our toughened glass has received ensures that our products are made with high-quality glass that is able to withstand impacts and other potential hazards. If the glass does break, it will shatter into small, less harmful pieces, reducing the risk of injury.
This certification is important for a variety of applications, from server racks to industrial equipment, where safety is a top priority. With our certified toughened glass, you can be confident that your equipment is protected by products that are built to last and designed with safety in mind.
Whether you are looking for wall-mount, floor-mount, or open racks, our products are designed with certified toughened glass to provide reliable protection for your equipment, while also ensuring the safety of your employees and anyone else in the vicinity. At Super-Robust, we are committed to providing products that meet the highest standards of quality, safety, and durability, and our toughened glass is no exception.

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